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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655205919304.gif (1.72 MB, 600x600, 1653258179954.gif)


>criticize cobson trannies
>they immediately start spamming


File: 1655205972598.jpg (116.09 KB, 775x849, 1651884828672.jpg)

nobody is spamming cobson


Don't make me leak your IP



File: 1655171949969.png (168.31 KB, 864x1113, 6794 - black_eyes closed_m….png)


>central banking is bad because.... Uumhhh it just is okay? inflation or something. Uhhhh joos
>Every government on earth disagrees with me? Uhhhh it's because joos
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


You'd have to be truly dirt-eating retarded to not have noticed a pattern with central banks


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long time no see, croat


brandon won


i will suck her titties

File: 1655205735436.gif (1.44 MB, 500x500, 1655084011726.gif)


A Cobson has appeared on the catalog. Does that upset you?


File: 1655205807148.png (21.36 KB, 320x244, 1653689629258.png)

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Even if Cobsons name is tarnished and dragged through the dirt by bbc discordfags, he will always remain in my heart.


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they didnt put that get on the s4s wiki


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A bygone era.

I wish the past was worth lamenting, and maybe it was at some point. If /qa/ had been locked when it was still worth something.


Nobody cares demoralization troon

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One of my dinky-di mates - he's a sick cunt - told me he got a new missus. Onya, but I's thunk it a furfy when he said her name was Gem!
I cannae keep the crocodile in his cave after that; No sirry! I said: she'll be right, and youse'll put a bun in the oven - it'll be pineapples from here on out.

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>You WILL eat the banan


File: 1655205329734.png (98.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1648373201760.png)

>You WILL eat the ban!


File: 1655205370171.png (246.8 KB, 680x1108, 1651548344907.png)

>>You WILL eat the banan

File: 1655205170488.png (182.49 KB, 3264x2448, 5012 - arm finger glasses ….png)


he will always be god here

File: 1655204607279.jpg (9.69 KB, 203x220, 033.jpg)


>4cuck trades its mildly infuriating image captcha for a completely bonkers unreadable one with scrolling bullshit


nice kym filename


I can't even check to see if I'm still banned over there from a year ago and if it was an ip mix up fluke lmao. Kinda glad they permaed me now that I saw that.


Who cares?


File: 1655204798424.png (90.08 KB, 454x520, 1653837837189.png)

>Who cares?


File: 1655204825587.gif (329.37 KB, 768x719, F2A0208A-4AD4-45BF-8BCB-20….gif)

>Who cares?

File: 1655192920919.jpg (63.88 KB, 600x800, Soy410.jpg)


My new woyak,,, I name him "Cobson!" :D

You like?
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.








NAS and coal and fuck you and saged and hidden and built for bbc



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'p bad even tho its distribution will ultimately result in happiness of hundreds of people in exchange for the suffering of just one person


no meme arrow therefore you look like that


but you can get 'easure from other sources doe

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