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/soy/ - Soyjak

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kill all zog trannies


me on the right




"Temporary vision problems" from a 50-watt laser? I feel gypped


friendly reminder you can get a 1 watt laser on eBay for like 300 bucks
1 watt is far stronger than this puny laser. that shit burns your skin


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Trash edit


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>it’s not clear if the laser caused further damage.


50,000 milliwatts is 50 watts (yes it is powerful retardation for the newscels to list a laser of this class in milliwatts)
OP's is the original edit and it's better



when do you think we’re going to get portable laser guns like the stormtroopers use in star wars
lasers sufficiently powerful to kill you if you get hit by them already exist. they’re just fucking huge lasers that can’t be transported easily



Never, boolits are already more optimal in every way. The core concept of firearms probably won't change significantly for several centuries


We can see your IP retard


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On mobile so no inspect element cope


Apparently not


laser goes through bulletproof vest though


So does a slightly larger boolit, except that has a self-contained power source and the dispenser is millions of times simpler and cheaper and more lightweight and has decades of tactical solutions and training developed specifically for it


Is there 150 watt lasers one can legally obtain?


>Private mode



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idk about 150, but the 50-watt one was probably from a commercial laser engraver (or the police lied, that's honestly more probable)


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Not exactly portable—uses a CO2 laser tube and a rather large power supply


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thank god for that three dollar coupon


I got a $4 coupon but it costs $5,750


Whoa check out these savings



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he won


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>CNC machines bad cause expensive even though you can make AK-47 receiver blanks with them


With that CNC? Have fun with your plywood and acrylic AK. People forget how much you can do with a simple drill press from harbor freight


>explodes in your face after one shot


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>You will NOT google "Luty SMG pdf"
>You will NOT buy square tubing and a power drill from Home Depot



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>Ak47? I meant smg !


Having bolt lock-up significantly complicates things, but it is possible


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints for a reason


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints for a reason


theres probably some durability factor or something


They use pistol ammo for most 3d prints because it's cheaper and there's less energy

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