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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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What was his endgame?
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File: 1655207846184.gif (90.78 KB, 166x205, GifSoy59.gif)

>>What was his endgame?


I did this on the original 'ru, the one now is a different one because the current 'ru literally can't handle the requests
Why did I do it? Just to shit it up a little bit


No wait I remember now I did it because I made a ton of poopy deformed colourjak gems and lolkike wouldn't approve them


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based colorjak revolutionary


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>I’m so tired of my fat brain ?

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it is done. my discord account is marked for exclusion, so is my steam account.
I will never see my only internet friends again.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


cant you just undo it?



esl fail


File: 1655208739737.png (15.71 KB, 450x459, 11462 - closed_mouth faceb….png)

At last, you're here with us now. You were potentially going to be groomed anyways. So be grateful


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they were not trans, they were very good friends but i had disagrements with them

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jak it


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>inflatables on ocean bad even though waves make you go weeeeeeee

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I love when this happens


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Azuf thread


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Oh my fauci xe is so attractive

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new 'toss just dropped


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factually incorrect because Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, and Suriname are brown althoughit

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Anti-kuzers are mentally ill
Imagine spilling your seethe into the wild because no one gives a fuck about it here
22 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1655206630499.gif (2.56 MB, 600x600, GifSoy82.gif)


>Who are you quoting?



Snopes debunked this




Hi katie

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shoot yourself kuz you'll never be relevant again


He lives rent free


kuz is good

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Cado thread


The “shock” value of a non-nude obese man holding food is nonexistent
Post an animal torture webm instead


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TND is later sweet pie

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>my threads keep getting deleted
U look like ths

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