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/soy/ - Soyjak

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File: 1655234943978.png (140.91 KB, 636x822, E77716C6-2341-4A11-869F-9A….png)


You will never be a dutch girl


dutch cartoons arent anime schizophrenic retard


It's poor man's anime since it copies almost everything from it


but trannies hate ‘Zellig because they are biological female girls who remind trannies that their breasts will never function and their axe wound will never birth a child (and mymy hates fags)


File: 1655235232296.jpeg (35.17 KB, 275x185, C7CF94A0-5B06-4E5B-BEB4-E….jpeg)


I thought 'zellig was popular but when I looked it up the first result was the soyjak wiki page. I guess this is /our tranime/


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> but trannies hate ‘Zellig because they are biological female girls who remind trannies that their breasts will never function and their axe wound will never birth a child (and mymy hates fags)




Do you have a pants on fire image


File: 1655237152788.png (328.67 KB, 484x1521, xzczxc2468 - arm eyes_popp….png)


File: 1655238272307.jpg (38.94 KB, 1500x1477, are-you-fuing-kidding-me-c….jpg)


nas dust

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