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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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i wanna start smoking cigarettes. where can i get them (not 21)
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There are websites you can buy them with crypto


Damn you gotta be 21 now? That's fucked up


If you are reading this post all niggers will live within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 20 other threads. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.


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Little chuddy
Give us TND
Gas all the kikes who have been quarantined
From niggers we will have to stay distant
We'll eat the horse paste and be more resistant!
lil chuddy
give me a sproke
they say you're selfish but your commitment to the white races is no joke
I'm so tired of kikies
Lil chuddy gas them for me!
(This undoes the nigger curse)


find a dirty run down gas station run by some indian/chinaman
know what you want and walk in confidently
if they ask for your ID, pretend to check your pockets and say "oh shit, I forgot it..."
If they don't give them to you just say "okay thank you"

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if there was a cure for autism would you take it?


autism isnt real

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Dreamt about a friend from 8 years ago, this whole "no friends" thing is really starting to take it's toll on me.
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lol i do that
kys just world fallacy believer


hang yourself and stream it


lmao HAAHAHAHAHAHA oh no no no this gotta be a falseflag right


you seem really selfish to me, trying to drag your friends down to your level

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Oh My Fauci...

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is there hope for me? should I just give up and try to be a femboy or transition or something?


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why not?


Stop posting your coal discord "friends"


i doubt thats actually you since it seems to be a whatsapp filename but you WILL cut your hair or get a mullet and you WILL lose the glasses and you WILL do something about your acne

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Are people genuinely upset over MUH NO GF. Do dumb cunts really hold that much power over your life? Are you seriously letting yourself feel bad over some boring roastie?
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Yes, I'm horny. It'd be nice to have a chick willing to fuck me. And it'd be even nicer if she was willing to stick around afterwards.


I just want to feel desired and cuddle


then stop browsing image boards chud, go outside and make some friends

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lol thats my hand


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'ew 'ayboy 'arti


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>lol thats my...ACK!@!!

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New luv

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>tfw 5'11.5
bottoming for men can't be that bad.....
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tfw 5'11 but 7.5 inches


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I'm 5'6, a total top, and men beg me to violate them


lol that dude in a dress absolutely mangled that woman in a jumpsuit


If you are reading this post all niggers will live within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 20 other threads. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.


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>And by all niggers I MEAN ALL NIGGERS
>Every single one that has ever lived or died in all of time
>Mfw niggerrapture happens

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that video disguised as a swedejak video has fucked me up for life dude. it’s so disgusting. who was that man? are they in jail now, rotting forever? does anyone know the story? god i want to fucking throw up man. i’ve never seen something so horrific. i don’t know if i can stay here any longer man. i never want to see something like that for as long as i live.
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Do you have a peer reviewed study to back up that claim?


it says (You) next to them



That's the real world man. Remember that two jews—Epstein and Maxwell—did this to uncountable numbers of young girls on behalf of the most powerful people in the west, and their trials didn't reveal a single thing of actual import. Certainly that mossad-linked network is still operational today.


Oh, and I forgot Les Wexner. Wonder if he's jewish oh of fucking course he is lol

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