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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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File: 1643174467255.jpeg (83.58 KB, 400x300, 54E19080-7330-487A-8729-4….jpeg)


that video disguised as a swedejak video has fucked me up for life dude. it’s so disgusting. who was that man? are they in jail now, rotting forever? does anyone know the story? god i want to fucking throw up man. i’ve never seen something so horrific. i don’t know if i can stay here any longer man. i never want to see something like that for as long as i live.


man i wanna cry thinking about it. that poor girl. her screams are etched into my brain forever. how could a human do something so disgusting


the spam about this leads me to believe that it is also partially a demorilaztion campaign


this isn’t bait man, this shit has really fucked me up


ok well i suggest you never use altchans again because there is a high chance youll see something like it again


i don’t think this is funny. i genuinely don’t know how to cope with what i saw


mate how old are you


soot left it up for so long. what’s his problem


i turned 18 a month ago


yes im sure he purposefully left it up even though that shit has gotten him taken down twice in the past. or more likely he or whatever moderator was busy and didnt get to it until later. this isnt 4chan where there are 10000 moderators and jannies


its like seeing some animal being tortured for the first time, not nice, but you will get over it


File: 1643221532697.png (6.78 KB, 600x800, 813 - glasses happy no_eye….png)

>'p bad even tho it funny


what video? post it so i can see? I haven't used the sharty in the past few days


it starts with swedejak dancing to silly mario music, but then says "SIKE" and cuts to a toddler getting raped in the ass and screaming


Just remember that this is exactly the response this pedo weeb faggot wants, to traumatize you and get the web service providers to shut the sharty down. Don't let him get to you.


Any proof that anime fans are behind anything?


Everyone is an anime fan (closeted or otherwise) therefore anime fans are behind EVERYTHING that happens anywhere


This, that video was so horryfing that I had to mute it while i jerked off because it was too much to bear


Meds retard it's kuz.


Because they're the only faggots who get THIS mad at soyjak. Remember that guy on /a/ who trained an AI to detect wojaks and automatically reply with "Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant"? I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same guy spamming us with CP.


Why would he do that


Because the reactions are worth it


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guys there's no cp in this one


im too scared to click this
ive never seen the 'p video but ive heard its pretty awful so i dont want to risk it


>trauma le bad because uhhh science said so




>clicked a video like that a while back but closed it before any switch could happen
*le sigh*... time to clear the 'ache again...


File: 1646877173297.webm (1.04 MB, 480x360, 1449707817648.webm)

What the fuck are you talking about? I guess I wasn't around for the one and only time some obscure child porn showed up LOL.


It was a week or so period where someone was spamming that
Little teens had never seen someone post Cp before so got “scarred for life”. The video was disgusting but I didn’t lose any sleep over it


>grrr i am SO TOUGH and SO STRONG that i dont even FLINCH at that cp stuff, LOLOLOL
kill yourself please


ever noticed how altchains get constantly spammed by cp? they want us to get back to 4cuck as prisoners






kuz gemmy


i did NOT make these posts


Do you have a peer reviewed study to back up that claim?


it says (You) next to them



That's the real world man. Remember that two jews—Epstein and Maxwell—did this to uncountable numbers of young girls on behalf of the most powerful people in the west, and their trials didn't reveal a single thing of actual import. Certainly that mossad-linked network is still operational today.


Oh, and I forgot Les Wexner. Wonder if he's jewish oh of fucking course he is lol

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