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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Why are zoomers like this
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If you're 16 then where the fuck is your adams apple? Do you unironically drink soymilk?


she's a girl (boymoder)


No, I am very active and have a healthy diet actually
Babyface maybe


Post your entire face


No, not getting doxxed.
Take my word for it that some guys naturally look a bit more effeminate and that isn't a bad thing. Everyone has different genes

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I might be spreading the virus all over the place and I feel guilty
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>old useless faggots that brought our country to ruin through their retarded decisions should live


t. incel


Yeah I think my grandma might be infected but I 100% blame my dad for it couse he acts like a fucking chud and complety ignores it.


no i wouldnt


i am not vaccinated i dont care at all i am not a neet i went to large gatherings and shit and no one in my family or me caught it

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i still cringe about things that happened 10+ years ago
i cant live like this, how do i stop


stop caring about meaningless things


Literally no one will remember you being autistic 10 years ago, it's all in your head

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I love my jakker friends, when the life is hard I can load the party and smile.


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real life "humor" becomes a bottomless stocking of 'oal though


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wholesome 'em


I love you too soybro

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Should I go to sleep?


are you tired?

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I got covid again, I hope I don't kill my grandma with it
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>covid real


its real though incel chudcel pissbaby


call me a pissbaby again


incel pigskin pissbaby thouch grass NOW



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Just spitted in my brother whiskey bottle 3 times, I'm gonna do it again!


passive aggressive cowardly teen
fight him like a man you pussy


II don't want to get in truble tho


are you literally 12? you're being a little bitch. what did your brother do, take away your xbox?


Seething alcoholic older brother

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I have never had a connection with anyone in my whole life and feel alienated by everyone around me.


you put sage in the wrong field
also you look like that


no therefore you

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>mfw when I didn't have my onw computer untill I was 18 and I still turned out to be an internet weirdo.
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Only the white ones.


then just go for wh*te civilians, they deserve it for being born wh*te


>gets soyquoted one time on the soy website
>wants to commit suicide
there is no ‘jak that I could post, that would come even close to having the effect that one good look in the mirror would have for you.


Then he looks like that one soyjak?



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I would fuck myself so much, if autosexuality is gay than everyone whos not gay is a fucking loser


autosexuality. the soyjak community is in disarray and your posting about autosexuality


no one cares soyshitter


Nice falseflag trannies, nobody cares about your falseflag raid


>Nice falseflag trannies
i'm not a tranny, however

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