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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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>tfw 5'11.5
bottoming for men can't be that bad.....


not gay
(just a drawing)


clean it up


lol i say this




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>tfw 5'11.999999996
Just one angstrom, just one, and I could've had the good life, now I have to settle for being the god of manlets


proof that that is your height?


I don't have a microscope with me rn


This but unironically since half the time yaoi is drawn feminine anyway


lol kek kek lmao


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>lol kek kek lmao


lmao lmao xd haha


kek ke lmao


lmao lmao xd haha


GOD i wish i were TALL
i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself


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mfw i am 6'1 and average male height in my country is 5'9


i'm 5'9 and I still bottom lol


How old are you


20 why


I'm 16 and i'm taller than you


good for u ig



5'9.9999 can confirm


You WILL take HGH while you still can.


lol daz me


better to rule the manlets than be a slave to tall men




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manlets are pathetic.


i'm not a normalfag so i don't understand what they are doing


He's jestermaxxing, what a fool.


/fit/ told me that my facial bones would grow and i would look like a monster, i bought that MKmeme but i don't know if it even makes sense at this point, I'm 20 dude


tfw 5'11 but 7.5 inches


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I'm 5'6, a total top, and men beg me to violate them


lol that dude in a dress absolutely mangled that woman in a jumpsuit


If you are reading this post all niggers will live within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 20 other threads. I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me.


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>And by all niggers I MEAN ALL NIGGERS
>Every single one that has ever lived or died in all of time
>Mfw niggerrapture happens

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