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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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I am a 34 year old virgin.
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Its called autism anon


I'm a 17 year old virgin o_O


It's over.


Post your face and I'll tell you what surgeries you should get

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Whats the point of an r9k with no robot?

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what even is the point of r9k without the fucking robot?

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do femcels exist?


no it's jewish propaganda, no one will ever love you chud


yeah but there not fuck you specifically



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I've told my parents that I would like to be emitted. they are calling the hospital rn. see you guys in a month.
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>lmao get fucked


hope you get better soon anon. update us on how you're doing if you're able to


HAAHAHAHAHAH never forget this


have sex chud


good for you lmfao

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My computer got damaged and I had to take it for repair.
What happened is that my hard drive got burned out and they had to replace it, the horrible thing is that I lost all my 'jaks and other reaction pictures.
I lost all my Gems and I no longer have the motivation to continue using SoyjakParty.
It's truly over for me.
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>something that never happened


>didnt take his meads


Save Morocco




y doe

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Why are teenagers so fucking mean?


do it faggot kill yourself


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They said, "All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me"
They could care less as long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me


Hecking deep and relatable MCRR 4EVER


because you're a faggot, Aiden


Teen moment

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daily reminder that:

>you're uglier than you think

>you're probably not funny/smart/sweet or have any other redeeming quality
>there isn't someone compatible
>you don't deserve love
>even if you put in some work to make yourself a better potential partner and meet more people, you can't find love
>if something is out of your control, just give up.

We're not gonna make it, soybros

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i was stung by a scorpion today




consider SEXSEX

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Soyjak.party? What a piece of fucking shit! I would rather play a Nintendo SHITcube game than lurk this fucking site!


whats so bad about us, explain chud


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>whats so bad about us, explain chud




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