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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1645557355274.jpeg (59.34 KB, 750x920, EC0CD660-DCF5-47C5-9E3D-4….jpeg)


I like how karma uses Chad to avenge us with domestic violence.

File: 1631826369529.png (474.77 KB, 2560x2465, 16233523508468.png)


what is classified as /r9k/ culture
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


incels, neets, tranny grooming. that stuff


What's wrong with that?
All Based (except the Tranny grooming for obvious reasons)


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>All Based (except the Tranny grooming for obvious reasons)


File: 1632228517152.png (142.08 KB, 584x666, 1630581164346.png)

>>All Based (except the Tranny grooming for obvious reasons)


File: 1645534187385.png (207.58 KB, 640x612, 235235235325.png)

still missing

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Why does this cesspool has an /r9k/ board? I thought you guys hated trannies and blogposting avatarfags, and seems you guys don't want to be associated with 4chan but you've adopted one the most gay and shitty boards next to /bant/ and /b/
6 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1645231149373.gif (72.64 KB, 255x237, 1644365013628.gif)

>my wife chino


Mega incel moment


not my problem go kys


File: 1645448193331.gif (142.45 KB, 200x107, e56c25bb-a431-4db9-8163-f8….gif)

>Mega incel moment


nice selfie s4s tranny

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pooped 2/21/21

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some have told me I have male cougar eyes
some have told me I have schizo eyes
but in truth, what are they?
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>a subhuman piece of shit nigger


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>>a subhuman piece of shit nigger


shitskin bantoid nigger


I don't get it, how is he a bantoid?


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>>>a subhuman piece of shit nigger

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my cousin just sent me an invitation to her wedding. How do I politely say that I don't care to go?


Just go lol


There's no polite way to say that retard


Do you think that your cousin and her new husband will sex sex sex on their wedding night?



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I wanna die, im a 5'8 beta male virgin and all women are whores
21 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>Hey I like your fucking tits, marry me so I can stuff you full of children.
Shut the fuck up you crystal cafe larper, no guy says this or thinks this.
That's nice man, I'm glad to hear you're getting better, it's all about practice


Female chad is called a stacy you foid roastie FUCKING WHORE.


>>Hey I like your fucking tits, marry me so I can stuff you full of children.
See, I knew you were a sperg.


File: 1645117635099.gif (1.04 MB, 254x254, 1642269502956.gif)

if women r whores y they no sex u
t. foid


if someone talked to me like this i would say yes

File: 1645008332157.png (279.07 KB, 1148x914, sfdsd.PNG)


Somebody post this without context on real /r9k/


Ypa but I don't feel like it


File: 1645008583590.jpeg (343.32 KB, 1599x1081, Przechwytywanie zawartośc….jpeg)

or this


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