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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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It's my birthday in a few minutes. Another year ends with me feeling unsatisfied. I don't want this loop to continue, I don't have forever to live. Here's hoping things change for the better this year.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes I'm a solipsist. What's a man to do when existance is so surreal? Every year my life feels more and more transient, and death approaches ever more closely.


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Oh, so you come into my thread, on this day of my birth when I am going through an existential crisis, and all you can think of is to 'jak me?


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>Oh, so you come into my thread, on this day of my birth when I am going through an existential crisis, and all you can think of is to 'jak me?


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>when op cant figure out if he just stayed off the internet especially from image boards and other meaningless places his life will improve

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what i do to femoids that reject me

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My cheese got sniffed and I had to take it for repair.
What happened is that my missed threads got deleted and they had to replace it, the horrible thing is that I lost all my 'cheese and other reaction pictures.
I lost all my Senor Huveos and I no longer have the motivation to continue using SoyjakParty.
It's truly smells like cheese.


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Why are frogniggers like this?

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>look up any philosophers early life section
>his father died when he was a toddler
>realize the entirety of human history is daddy issues

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Now is the time to take advantage and order desperate Ukrainian brides to lose your virginity to.

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Did you go outside today?

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how to deal with the urges to brutally rape and cannibalize young women


turn off google/bing safe search
google your fantasies
find sites
make a list of the sites
make them all bookmarks
become satisfied
worked for me and horse (irl i'm no brony) porn


>Le discord cat


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how has it affected your mating life
have another one


if you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 other threads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.

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i was watching a meme where nikocado was naked and i got a fucking boner. i’m not sure if it was from the video or unrelated but i don’t know to fucking rationalize this for myself


bruh im 3 days into no fap

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how do you deal with someone you've considered a great friend for a long time hating you now? i dont even need to be friends with them again, i would even settle for having one last talk and then keeping our distance. i just dont want things to end on such a sour note...


What is the reason for the disdain


If I said the actual reason I don't think I would get any actual advice out of this thread


Will then maybe you deserve it if you won’t share. Idk if you can meet up irl but if so then I would

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