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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1637275772239.jpg (157.82 KB, 690x826, junko.jpg)


Why arent you her boyfriend anon?
21 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


No I posted it on leftypol in November


Im an incel and don't like weezer tho


Are you junko?


Its actually a leftypol referance


No. I am her designated representative for this imageboard.

File: 1643045636524.jpg (6.24 KB, 236x245, airplanes.jpg)


>tfw I say that and look like that


Chill out. At least you proved you have a pair

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File: 1642704890109-1.png (1.42 MB, 1066x845, 0PGxweiGcX.png)


Mfers be like
>trooning out was a good decision


woah the mlpedo trooned out? Completely new information to me


Insomnia Analysis is still top tier youtube.


lmao, you missed a lot.




my man

File: 1642626300315.jpg (4.81 KB, 180x179, download.jpg)


>tfw no gf
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


nas gem


OP do be a straight faggot tho bruh frfr no cap


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>OP do be a straight faggot tho bruh frfr no cap


low iq thread


nas coal thread

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my chest do be hurting lately nonetheless
maybe eating junk food, smoking and not exercising at all for months straight wasn't a good idea
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1642550702573.gif (614.61 KB, 300x400, 5067988341.gif)

>not nice desu


its da vaccine


i didnt take it though


its daaa vaccine in your tapwater and air



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>>>>crossboard soydueling

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Yesterday I washed my teeth for the first time this year
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



do it NOW


it's 2 months later, gonna post them now?




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>be gone for couple of weeks
>ask dad to return a book to libary for me
>It would take him 15 fucking seconds and its on a way he walks everyday
>He "didn't have time"
>He did have time to steal my sport bets and cash them in a point 1 hour away from home
Give me one reason I shouldnt hate my family


They feed you, fag

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ITT: we figure out the bumo limit of the 'party




Wrap it up


File: 1636769755095.png (304.31 KB, 1024x1009, 1636758140211.png)

>ITT: we figure out the bumo limit of the 'party


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>>ITT: we figure out the bumo limit of the 'party


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>>>ITT: we figure out the bumo limit of the 'party

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I ate many sardines today and now my piss smells like fish


I don’t believe you.

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