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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1644598080101.jpg (41.25 KB, 735x413, chino cup.jpg)


Why does this cesspool has an /r9k/ board? I thought you guys hated trannies and blogposting avatarfags, and seems you guys don't want to be associated with 4chan but you've adopted one the most gay and shitty boards next to /bant/ and /b/


built 4 bbc


We all are


Your ass is built to be raped by niggers daily, faggot


Soot had this phase, when he wanted to just have every 4cuck board but "better" in his mind.


soot add /lgbt/ pls




File: 1645231149373.gif (72.64 KB, 255x237, 1644365013628.gif)

>my wife chino


Mega incel moment


not my problem go kys


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>Mega incel moment


nice selfie s4s tranny

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