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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

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I wanna die, im a 5'8 beta male virgin and all women are whores


hahah aeat a dick im 5'10 lel


5'1 chad, all women want to fuck me.


femaleCHAD here, I fuck 40 men a day lmfao


Stop being a whiny faggot


I am taller than you and dont get laid.


What's ur height



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Is this you?


I'm 6'2 and women laugh at me.


Try not being a sperg you retard


How am I a sperg. I literally keep to myself.


try being a sperg you intellectual


Are you sure they're laughing at you or is that just your schizo delusions


They smile at me, look at their friends then laugh.


It means they like you dumbass, go talk to them


invite them to the 'rty


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Holy gem, why didn't I think of this?


And what does the Reddit frog have to do with that? 85s


In all seriousness talk to the them about what?
>Hey I like your fucking tits, marry me so I can stuff you full of children.
Covid fucked my socialization skills, it's the reason why I even started using 4chan and eventually ended up here.


Dude, same.
Try hanging around more and it will come naturally.
I didn't have a single friend/anyone i talk to other than my parents from april 2020 to july of this year.
Then i started trying, became friends again with a guy i knew from middle school, played basketball with him and his friends once or twice. I often go out drinking by myself (once ever few weeks). Last time i did it i met some cool guys, we separated, then I met with some guy who apparently knew me from middle school even though he is 6 years older than me (?) at the part, then some of his friends came along now i'm officially invited to the party


well,what i want to say is that it takes time and effort and sometimes it feels like you don't make any progress


>>Hey I like your fucking tits, marry me so I can stuff you full of children.
Shut the fuck up you crystal cafe larper, no guy says this or thinks this.
That's nice man, I'm glad to hear you're getting better, it's all about practice


Female chad is called a stacy you foid roastie FUCKING WHORE.


>>Hey I like your fucking tits, marry me so I can stuff you full of children.
See, I knew you were a sperg.


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if women r whores y they no sex u
t. foid


if someone talked to me like this i would say yes

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