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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>lol twp vs BNC
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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we need a cobson edit of this


The kikes will lose
Christ shall win
Evil will be vanquished
>inb4 kikes seethe at this post


gem idea

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ale soja (ang. what a soy)


If anyone's curious, this is the cover art of the CD release of an Asobi Asobase anison, ending theme to be precise.

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>are you winning son?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



how do you keep finding those shitty small channels


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Shut the fuck up she’s talking.


Give me a good day at work today.


Based pigs, next time they should assist the tranny to commit suicide by cop

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I ate food made by a nigger.
11 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.




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I love you, xAsh


wtf pedo site is this?




that's not what discord looks like though



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nas gem found on one of my 'iscord servers

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Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next? FUCK THE RECURSIVE BIBLE! Also, days were less than 24 hours long in the distant past, "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects, and most Bible-thumpers might secretly be porn addicts.




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>Have any of you ever spent so much time with fundamentalists that you started thinking characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next?
I didn't know this until reading about it but it's confirmed that events in the new testament were fabricated to conform to Jewish "prophecies" and scripture which itself was stolen from earlier religions like buddhism, paganism and zoroastrianism


> "red" was sometimes used in the Bible to describe brown objects


>characters from the Bible decided to read the Bible itself to figure out what they had to do next?

They did. Jesus constantly cited the bible.


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What a fucking idiot who brings an actual gun to a robbery.

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old gem

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ikam bokam




the voice actor person here is doing an impressive job, it may not sound like it but what he's doing is very hard to do right and he's doing it right



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