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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1653162882278.mp4 (1.49 MB, 640x360, hungary - trianon, hungary….mp4)


hungary lost






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due to an influx of child porn on frenschan i was caught in the crossfire and the mods mistook my shitpost for "Pedo Shit"


They dont like a good time is all


faggot site


get pwn3d pedo


based fedschan in shambles


still better than the soy party lmao

File: 1655032200530.mp4 (27.81 MB, 1024x1264, 1631575175950(0).mp4)


Gas americans
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


old meme


>newgrounds mascot
in 10 years you'll see CRINGEson in videos just like this one


File: 1655045762433.png (159.57 KB, 775x849, Cobson thumbs up.png)

>gemson will still be relevant 10 years from now


File: 1655045936237.jpg (1.86 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220101_004601.jpg)


he was drawing the tiananmen square tank man though

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black pipo are niggers


I solemnly swear to rape all niggers to death (except on Cook a Nigger Tuesday when I will cook all niggers to death.)


typical nigger babbling about something that never happened


Give me a good day at work today.

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Nigger vs white person


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part 2

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Oh noes bapesisters.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


11 counts of everything?


Free my nigga


>White boys don't got dat street cre-


11 on everything cuz fuck 12


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on jah bruh fr fr
2 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1654966174538.mp4 (2.63 MB, 1280x720, On My Way To Gekyume's Cir….mp4)


earrape don't open


just put down the volume it isnt that hard


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Shut up faggot kike baby get gassed


File: 1654986165176.mp4 (1.64 MB, 720x720, Gekyume's Circumcision.mp4)

File: 1654977803407.jpg (1.87 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)


This is pastor Jonathan smith and he doesn’t have a faggotphobic bone in his body.


like most modern pastors


I showed him the picture of the tranny axe wound and he said “oh don’t show that”.


You attend a nigger church.


this is why the protestant reformation was a MISTAKE!

File: 1654976905962.png (334 KB, 800x1000, 1646964460417.png)


>no the nigger god isn't real there's just no way a god would be named the fucking nword

File: 1654973386566.png (1013 B, 400x400, .png)


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