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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>Be me, 30 year old tard wrangler. I have a masters in special education and have been wrangling tards since I was 24. It’s bad fellow Anons.
>Every year we take the tards on a field trip. It’s the law
>You see, years ago a tard’s mom sued because her special little tard never got to to you the zoo
>Thanks bitch. You’re the reason I go through this hell every year.
>We’re going to a park, because we’re basically banned from the zoo. We aren’t officially banned, because it would look bad to enact a ban on special education classes. But trust me, we aren’t welcome. That penguin will never be the same.
>Off we go. We’re taking a fleet of short buses. So many kids in wheelchairs. Then you have the kids that wig out if someone sits too close to them. So lots of buses.
>One of the junior wranglers, she’s in college and still cares, tries to get our bus to sing The Wheels on the Bus
>Bad idea. Half the kids just make weird off key sounds. Half stare blankly, ropes of drool running out of their mouths.
>This one autistic girl - Debbie - starts to scream. She’s pretty much non-verbal, but every so often she screams. Now she screams non-stop. The other tards are getting upset and starting to scream
>Junior wrangler tries to stop the song, but people start screaming “sing, sing, sing,” or “ruh ruh ruh.”
>She looks at me. I shrug. She needed to learn.




Upvoted, here is your reddit gold sir



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 No.34548[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your favorite Live Feeding videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxmJlSnn_94(WHAT DOES REDDIT FROG HAVE TO DO WITH THIS?)
119 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>The Pacman Frog accidentally ate a friend【WARNING LIVE FEEDING


>Black Bullfrog VS duck, What Happen?


tiny yellow ducklings are no match for big black bullfrogs


>Praying Mantis Eats Mouse ALIVE! (GRAPHIC)


>? 100 FROGS becomes the prey of MANTIS - Praying Mantis vs Frogs - Insect Stories

File: 1654001683555.webm (5.87 MB, 360x360, 1649893958447.webm)


soot approved nas gem thread




nas jewelish coal


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What did they mean by this?


File: 1653998981055.png (2.69 KB, 299x80, VRVAX.png)

>you WILL take the vr-vax!


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>tfw you bite a god's dick off


sweatie gods do not have seksual organs therefore they're not male nor female

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Red pilled gif


this gif blackpilled me though

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Why does this make Charlie troons seethe so much soybros?


File: 1653684669528.gif (3.9 MB, 426x240, 1653652370915.gif)

Cado thread?





You and op

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Do you think I look muscular?


I think you look like a man

File: 1653884042493.jpeg (1.77 MB, 4032x3024, E1F3EA5C-2683-4576-B769-9….jpeg)


Stick your dick in a green onion.


that looks good for a phone picture


that looks bad for a phone picture


that looks good for a phone picture


that looks bad for a phone picture


that looks good for a phone picture

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