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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652998598356.jpg (2.28 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg)


In-N-Out does not taste particularly good or special at all.


keyed. It only gets hyped up by people who have never benn there.


>mcdonalds but it cost a little bit more


I's only popular because california niggers migrated everywhere, so when they see it in their new home states they soyface and then vote for black trans homeless people to live in your driveway and rape your kids

File: 1652940239914.png (378.15 KB, 1000x1000, 9751 - angry baby booru cr….png)


>Knowing that the food is gestating in my belly and the rancid sulphurous shit decided to unleash it's effervescence is very satisfying. Whenever I eat healthy foods I get the worst farts which is ironic lol but yea farts mog. I would love to keep farting the smelliest farts 24/7



File: 1652959623484.jpg (106.44 KB, 583x676, yeon32.jpg)


som people never learn...


She looks fuckable in this image

File: 1652125741048-0.png (108.41 KB, 600x800, soyshaker.png)

File: 1652125741048-1.mp3 (962.32 KB, thugshaker.mp3)


this is thug hunter board now


File: 1652129440886.mp4 (6.99 MB, 1276x720, thug_shaker_original.mp4)

Oh you got an ass on you alright
So that's what he's talking about
Spread your ass open dude
You could do the rump shaker huh
The thug shaker
Give me the thug shaker dude
Shake your ass
Take your hands off and shake that shit
Pull your shirt up
I know you can shake it
Shake it
Yeah that's some thug ass right there
Aw yeah that will work
You got the booty dude
God damn
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


still thug hunter board





File: 1651986567701.png (487.87 KB, 720x677, Screenshot_2022-03-23-15-0….png)


This site is really fucking cringe you know. Some of the shitposting looks maybe ok but its impossible to get over all the edgy children here, and the fucking soyjak theme. Soyjaks are just a shitty twitter meme now and only underaged kids and normalfags use them. Makes me want to vomit.
Can someone suggest an imageboard with a similar vibe but aged up?
15 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1652919629464.jpg (86.66 KB, 999x955, transkids.jpg)

>This site is really fucking cringe you know. Some of the shitposting looks maybe ok but its impossible to get over all the edgy children here, and the fucking soyjak theme. Soyjaks are just a shitty twitter meme now and only underaged kids and normalfags use them. Makes me want to vomit.
>Can someone suggest an imageboard with a similar vibe but aged up?


Disturbing image


he cute doe


But yeah, keep sending your children to public school against their will.


File: 1652943842853.png (570.48 KB, 834x669, ClipboardImage.png)



File: 1652935268303.mp4 (1.45 MB, 500x500, 1652933847181.mp4)




is this the race war?


File: 1652937089884.png (124.36 KB, 440x325, ClipboardImage.png)

>is this the race war?


nice fetish lol


let me look up in my ass

File: 1652935946307.png (148.76 KB, 676x1021, Broken.png)


is it really that hard to make another image board cause this one seems compromised

the 'ru got replaced twice and i dont think these anti-soymites are going to let up




he's mad that his porn spam keeps getting deleted


ive done no such thing


it's over... i can no longer spam minecraft fetish porn

File: 1652914101512.png (117.06 KB, 259x194, 245D9123-F725-459F-9EBE-2D….png)


“I was sexually abused” is code for “I am a heterophobic shitlord”


Women are stupid and I don’t respect them. That’s right, I just have sex with them. Show me your genitals. Your genitals. Show me your genitals. Your genitalia.


i masturbate to women every day isnt that crazy when you think abou it?
Like im thinking about women and masturbating how crazy is that
it just hit me

File: 1652640422237.webm (90.42 KB, 840x598, ezgif.com-gif-maker.webm)


plushie dog thread
9 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






Mega coal


fix thumbnails idiot soot


Lol what the fuck

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