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/b/ - Random

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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My mayor has nice boobs.







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Soybros we failed to stop the Frenschan BVLL what now?


File: 1652555012379.png (65.81 KB, 510x780, it's over.png)

i dont believe

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>nayeon rules the 'rty


you dont know the nayeon lore


ching chong bing bong i work on factory

File: 1652499761837.gif (1.59 MB, 1024x752, 1651337953910.gif)


Refuge https://www.frenschan.org/b/res/6815.html
Just post in here until soot manages to fix the site and gets rid of the cobson

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>how can we compete biomale bros...


File: 1652449754566.jpg (5.34 MB, 4500x3000, Miss-Major-and-others.jpg)

oh no no no no no ftmbros....?


wait til you hear "his" disgusting sounding voice


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but other times it's a very clear substitute


Nietzsche's last "men"

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Frenschan doesn't have any cobsons.


Kek you guys are suffering constant DDos attacks

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why are bant mods like this?
It was just a reply to someone how is that spam or flooding?


'jaks are outlawed chud


It just makes no sense
Some of my Nayeon posts also get deleted for no reason at all without any warning
I am being targeted, they want to silence me.


They have personal vendetta against soyjaks so they are determined to ban you even if you haven't violated anything. After that they choose a formal reason that fits your post most closely.
This is how it works on 4cuck - it's not "you violate the law - you get banned", it's "you do something we don't like - we find a law that fits somehow and we ban you".



post anything on /bant/ that the tranny mod doesn't like gets you banned.

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sounds like a good name for a song


Why would he even try that
What is there to gain


Why do black people like recording lighting themselves on fire


idfk something to do with black skin



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Sites moving awfully slow. I doubt it's more traffic besides the shitposting of course... Do we move and refugee or stay and wait it out? Because soot might shut this thing down for good. That or the already shitty quality of our recent memes will be the end of us

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broh di you jut do haram??
im tellan amam rait nau!!!!


wrong file
move this thread now chudjanny


File: 1652477578431.jpg (37.99 KB, 480x340, ce9.jpg)

astaghfirullah moi nigguh...

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