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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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degeneracy makes me sick and tired. I just want to run away from it all


Don’t go outside or on the internet then

File: 1652392199129.jpg (6.56 KB, 234x216, soyjak1.jpg)


This board is dead


File: 1652390486167.jpeg (1.9 MB, 4032x3024, 97660D64-328F-4EFC-9869-8….jpeg)


They trust niggers with money.




File: 1652393233275.png (500.32 KB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.png)



I’m like lee Harvey Oswald, I shoot really fast. All over your face until your head flies back and to the left.

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Why do Americans hate public transportation?
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nigger spit causes hair growth


self determination and freedom instead of being corralled like cattle


meaning public transportation only works if you don't have NIGGERS in your country


awesome cope retard, essentially you're being forced to own a vehicle of your own wich is very costly to attain on top of what you'll end up wasting with maintenance cost
literally this, just quit bullshitting yourselves, literally every fucking problem in american society can be traced back to niggers and jews


Why are trains in Germany so slow if their economy is the greatest in Europe?

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fuck tatars

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What's the best way to bypass a perma ban?
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i hate 4cuck






mods are faggots in that shithole i fucking hate them and wish some disgruntled autist finds them and kills them, they do a shit job at preserving 4cuck culture and are moralfaggot tumors that hate the average anon, they do a disservice to the site
anyways just unplug your router and wait around five minutes, that should change your ip, also closing and opening your browser works for me sometimes along with regularly purging their tracking cookies


it wears off after like 2 weeks

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the sky is cloudy, the fortress rises, the gates are shut, the travel continues


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u be goblin deez nuts



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i don't think you know what these words mean


where are his ears


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Lol these are literally goblin people


jews have very elongated faces, its one of their main traits

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if my research is correct, every /qa/ will have a orgasm when they see this image


Holy shit

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average soyjak.party poster GF
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why is my gf a whore posting her nudes on the Internet? dese hoes ain't loyal mane..


File: 1652317652666.jpeg (296.08 KB, 640x1066, BC79C682-00DB-44F1-B56D-B….jpeg)

Reddit is telling you to cut your shit.


no penis therefore fake thoughever




women's only worth is sex similarly a nigger's only worth is his dick wich is why they go "muh dick" because its their pride and joy, their whole life revolves around their dick, why are you trying to undermine the black man's pride and joy reddit? seems racist to me
>(((white men)))

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