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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient


File (hide): 1654797573068.jpg (90.84 KB, 512x512, 165316288227.jpg)


>look up ancient historical figure
>fate stay night shows up
>look up modern historical figure
>hearts of iron tranny mod shows up




COOMers really ruin everything with their disgusting COOMerism, don't they?



Some based chad uploaded the entirety of the Nutcracker ballet to YTMND.
It's available at nutcracker.ytmnd.com for those interested.



mentally ill dog owners


>>37500 (OP)


mentally ill admin


File (hide): 1649563187113.webm (13.76 MB, 1280x720, 6468916.webm) [play once] [loop]


17 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


>>33401 (OP)
fate of all sub 5 males


bro do be kinda based thi


>>33401 (OP)
I wonder what is this fella's ethnicity?


>>33401 (OP)
17 year old would have open her legs 4 chad however


Give me a good day at work today.



Did you guys watch the newest 'cado vid?
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


no penis


no penis


>Feet pointed forward parallel
>Q angle checks out


Cheese niggers are for sale in the frozen section of your local walmart


No way



What did he mean by this?
2 posts omitted. Click to expand.




man this jeet can't draw for shit


shit tier wojak




Fucking hate this faggot. Hope his mom gets ovarian cancer.



Trump’s Hamburgers


File (hide): 1654769097649.jpg (163.49 KB, 1103x645, ee7iD7f.jpg)




>>37496 (OP)
old maaaan... it costs 900g now


File (hide): 1653369639812.png (464.06 KB, 675x829, 1653243081578.png)


Can someone post the "sage bumo negated" meme
I'll sage this post, so please post it pelsse


File (hide): 1653375039635.png (83.5 KB, 511x305, image (26).png)



File (hide): 1653375065222.png (72.69 KB, 511x305, image (28).png)




no thanks


>>36554 (OP)
This has been disproven in a Reuters article, retard:
Next time do your research.


 No.28858[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Turkey Tom here. I’m thinking of doing a video about /qa/ and soyjak.party. Is there any topics that you think I should go over?(TURKEY TOM IS FICTIONAL CHARACTER IN YOUR HEAD)
103 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


File (hide): 1654711285254.gif (156.9 KB, 775x849, Evil smile 'son.png.gif)

didn’t turkey tom actually respond to this thread


File (hide): 1654711443989.png (122.42 KB, 900x1000, 1654366692024.png)

>didn’t turkey tom actually respond to this thread


i thought he just responded to someone on twitter about this thread


i remember a video where somebody asked him on stream about it


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