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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652304749570.jpg (87.12 KB, 611x799, yeon442.jpg)


She looks like this but I dont know what she says
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


thats oretty problematic


that's your problem


you are going to face consequences


i'm done with you


being done with me bad even though headache good

File: 1652271432430.gif (1.36 MB, 360x270, 1652269533510.gif)


only oldfags remember this gif


snopes debunked this, the guy behind the skeleton is making it dance using strings attached to it's limbs


Meds, Snopes never debunked it chud


spooky skellington lol


post the original


mods move this to qway

File: 1652299958418.png (157.88 KB, 600x800, ,.png)


guys help i got suspended from sckool i brought a tire iron


Damn bro how the fuck you supposed to change your tire now


Cool. You get a vacation. Fuck school.
btw are teachers trying to groom you all into being trannys yet?

File: 1652299891869.png (214.42 KB, 532x461, ClipboardImage.png)


new dot

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new dot

File: 1652278594173.jpg (132.23 KB, 946x817, 1649444171917.jpg)


Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to sleep.


File: 1652290789238.gif (534.82 KB, 640x636, 1648951704812.gif)


File: 1651880348394.jpeg (43.52 KB, 639x619, choomah.jpeg)






‘ig ‘ez on the ‘arty

File: 1652124613515.png (992.67 KB, 1136x640, B950AA63-383B-4330-AC19-12….png)


Oh look another nigger


shouldve just shot the nigger right there

File: 1650767370846.jpg (184.66 KB, 1024x694, 1637532595038.jpg)


9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.








'oll on the 'log


File: 1652226094841.png (299.62 KB, 593x517, 1652112095382.png)


I want to put my penis inside your butt


holy smokerinos! checked!


File: 1652656729642.png (407.92 KB, 1959x1365, Mexican Twink Mutt big bra….png)

>i want to put my penis inside of your butt
your tight brown caztiso mexican asshole deserves a big dick inside of it until your wearing diapers

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