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/b/ - Random

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File: 1649563187113.webm (13.76 MB, 1280x720, 6468916.webm)




>ugly bastard is real


They should've done TCAP with actual children instead of larping teen decoys




Oh like lol but 4chan hahahaha


File: 1649564443796.png (31.97 KB, 708x800, 2052 - animal bloodshot_ey….png)

>Oh like lol but 4chan hahahaha


i say this and look like this


Do you have 5 (five) peer-reviewed studies to support your claim?


>it was your idea


3D women btfo once again


File: 1649615213973.jpg (132.82 KB, 979x935, image.jpg)

>>Oh like lol but 4chan arararar


yes, i won't elaborate further


Is this in Canada?


Surprised he didnt play the dindu nuffin card




can a burger explain what crime he actually committed?


he talked to a woman that was 17 years 364 days old




fate of all sub 5 males


bro do be kinda based thi


I wonder what is this fella's ethnicity?


17 year old would have open her legs 4 chad however


Give me a good day at work today.

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