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/b/ - Random

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File: 1652477023175.jpg (97.23 KB, 1135x492, ban.jpg)


why are bant mods like this?
It was just a reply to someone how is that spam or flooding?


'jaks are outlawed chud


It just makes no sense
Some of my Nayeon posts also get deleted for no reason at all without any warning
I am being targeted, they want to silence me.


They have personal vendetta against soyjaks so they are determined to ban you even if you haven't violated anything. After that they choose a formal reason that fits your post most closely.
This is how it works on 4cuck - it's not "you violate the law - you get banned", it's "you do something we don't like - we find a law that fits somehow and we ban you".



post anything on /bant/ that the tranny mod doesn't like gets you banned.

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