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/soy/ - Soyjak

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File: 1655171949969.png (168.31 KB, 864x1113, 6794 - black_eyes closed_m….png)


>central banking is bad because.... Uumhhh it just is okay? inflation or something. Uhhhh joos
>Every government on earth disagrees with me? Uhhhh it's because joos


Chuds truly are delusional arent they


File: 1655172046033.png (22.14 KB, 231x218, 12663.png)

>>central banking is bad because.... Uumhhh it just is okay? inflation or something. Uhhhh joos
>>Every government on earth disagrees with me? Uhhhh it's because joos


Chudjak or any of its variations aren't negative characters here...


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die kike


File: 1655172356977.png (157.64 KB, 864x2000, big forehead brandon.png)

Yep exactly correct


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You'd have to be truly dirt-eating retarded to not have noticed a pattern with central banks


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File: 1655172503814.png (15.23 KB, 600x800, ClipboardImage.png)

long time no see, croat


brandon won


i will suck her titties

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