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/soy/ - Soyjak

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655204607279.jpg (9.69 KB, 203x220, 033.jpg)


>4cuck trades its mildly infuriating image captcha for a completely bonkers unreadable one with scrolling bullshit


nice kym filename


I can't even check to see if I'm still banned over there from a year ago and if it was an ip mix up fluke lmao. Kinda glad they permaed me now that I saw that.


Who cares?


File: 1655204798424.png (90.08 KB, 454x520, 1653837837189.png)

>Who cares?


File: 1655204825587.gif (329.37 KB, 768x719, F2A0208A-4AD4-45BF-8BCB-20….gif)

>Who cares?

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