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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot

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>mfw when I didn't have my onw computer untill I was 18 and I still turned out to be an internet weirdo.


je sais


some of us were just ruined from the start
i have pretty good parents and i still turned out to be a loser faggot
i do well academically but i have no gf (and never have in the past) and no interest in anything productive


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>Anonymous 6 days ago No.4917
>some of us were just ruined from the start
>i have pretty good parents and i still turned out to be a loser faggot
>i do well academically but i have no gf (and never have in the past) and no interest in anything productive


maybe that's soy but it's the truth
i am gonna kill myself one of these days


dont do it


this except im going to barricade myselff in my house and have a month long shootout with the police and it will be so epic there will be a documentary film about it that will be indistinguishable from an action movie and i will kill many officers before i blow myself up when they get in and die as a martyr


dont do it retard


If the kill count isn't at least 500 don't bother


ok i will go into the main government building and kill important politicians




Only the white ones.


then just go for wh*te civilians, they deserve it for being born wh*te


>gets soyquoted one time on the soy website
>wants to commit suicide
there is no ‘jak that I could post, that would come even close to having the effect that one good look in the mirror would have for you.


Then he looks like that one soyjak?



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