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/tv/ - Television & Film

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Do you want a board sticky?
If so, what do you want
28 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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*is kino*


gem show


One of only a couple good things to ever come out of (((adult swim)))


only contrarians like this gigacoal


only conformists like this gigagem

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What are 'son's favorite kinos? (other than Lawnmower Man of course)


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kys nigga

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>fighting hitler and nazis bad because it your country is occupied by the people fighting the nazis

How do we stop the rise of reactionary messeges in indian cinema?

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New do

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This board is shit, it lacks television and film and kino and movies and flicks
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Recommend me something Chud


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old coal up


old coal go up

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Lynch casting the main actor of the x-files as a tranny who works for the FBI is IRL troonjak quoting


you ever notice that all the black people in twin peaks are either literal demons or FBI agents? what did lynch mean by that??

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>apologies for any concern it may have caused, i was just trying to get some general time zone and user agent information, but i understand why everyone was concerned, since the software can collect way more. as i have said before, none of the information that i collected has ever been shared with a third party, and any data that i collected with matomo has already been deleted. hope this clears things up.

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Dead board
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this just make a general kike media board


soiteens can't into culture what a shocker






oh my zelensky where are all the avengers threads

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what movies that give gay vibes but arent?
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have you seen the way they talk about sam wise and frodo baggins




The west should unironically adopt the Medi values for masculinity, it's similar to what Jesus lived in. Men don't cry, they let a tear run down their cheek.


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The target audience, pajeets are very confused on the western interpretation of gay themes. Many are calling westerners perverted. Muttcels on twitter are making obsessed tweets like this


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