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Are we EVER gonna get creepypastakino again bros?
What stories would be best adapted to miniseries format?


I haven't read creepypsta in a long time, but if I had to choose it would be
It's a story about a guy who finds a cursed copy of morrowind, I know it's kind of cheesy and a tad unoriginal but it freaked me out as a kid
I always wanted to find out what happens in the end so a miniseries could do that


mod not copy*
also here is the *alleged* copy of the mod, most likely fake since its for fallout but have a blast I guess


I remember this one scaring me back in the day kek, i dont think videogame pastas could work very well for a tv show though.

This could be the greatest kino ever made but its way too long for a single movie and would take at least 16 episodes to fit everything in properly

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You've guys seen smiling friends? Its pretty good. I can upload all episodes on soyjak.download if you want.

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Did boomers really defecate and soil their Depends over this?


they didnt


frbr (first reply best reply)



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not real kys schizo




Refuse to use YouTube because it has a woman ceo


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post yfw Euphoria season trailer dropped


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>post yfw Euphoria season trailer dropped


umm whats happening in the gif?


A big white cock is fucking a girl


I'm getting excited by your shemale penis


Is that show good?

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I’m Mister Joint Rocker I’m Mister Jim I’m Mister Franchise Starter I’m Mister Pete-Cuban They Call Me MaskPoster Cause Whichever Horror Comic I Touch Turns to a Blockbuster in my clutch I’m too much I’m Mister no ID I’m Mister James I’m Mister Franchise Killer I’m Mister Boogier They call me SotM-iser Because whatever sequel I touch Turns into a bomb in my clutch I’m too much (My Bad)


chuck sneed

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Was it kino?

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Witch one should I watch in the cinema today?
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


So what your bet on this guys death clock? I's say 3-5 years.


hes not that old, maybe even 10 years depending on if he keeps going with this youtube stuff


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Retro May was better


Yeah, the new movie was a disappointment to be honest, Philip was barerly in it.


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>the golden orb
>it's egg shaped

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Is posting nonjaks a bannable offense up in this bitch?


no but this off topic coal is



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I hunger…
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



Holy gem


I came home


you my tripcode is wrong Vinluv angy


this is me btw

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