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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1643820098231.jpg (30.06 KB, 374x500, gem.jpg)


now that the dust has settled
gemmy or coaly?


Good boy. I reported your thread anyway btw


I liked it cause it reminded me of my childhood when everyone hated it


I watched the whole series while very, very high

File: 1630646347120.png (1.8 MB, 1836x724, suck peanuts.png)


You know from this angle, you look just like
Dizzy Gillespie



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5 month old gem

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"He has a powerful weapon,
He charges a million a shot.
An assassin that`s second to none,
The Man With The Golden Gun!

Lurking in some darkened doorway,
Or crouched on a rooftop somewhere,
In the next room, or this very one,
The Man With The Golden Gun!

Love is required, whenever he`s hired,
It comes just before the kill.
No one can catch him, no hitman can match him,
For his million dollar skill.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Kino Movie, tho




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Take your Meds Schizos



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what are some kinos to watch whilst i wait for the cp spam to subside?


movies ive watched recently that ive liked
Mishima A Life in 4 Chapters
The Thing
The Shining
Django Unchained
South Park Bigger Longer and Uncut


It has subsided, spammer got bored


File: 1644035016748.png (6.52 KB, 644x800, 1634944264949.png)

never seen the shining before so i think ill watch that
it hasnt


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>Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
>ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
>Slow Torture Puke Chamber
>Black Mass of the Nazi Sex Wizard

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do you guys like John wick?

File: 1643269275608.webm (4.8 MB, 1280x720, LiterallyMe.webm)


Ryan Gosling watches movies and is like "That's literally me"

>So the first time I saw First Blood I was in the first grade and the next day I filled my Fisher Price beanie kid(?) up with steak knives and I took it to school and threw them at the kids at recess. And I got suspended and my mother said I couldn't watch movies anymore.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Soyboys being unattractive is literally a /pol/chud meme not confirmed by women, ist just chuds way to cope with not being able to grow a beard like men.


File: 1643749848229.png (288.78 KB, 636x852, ClipboardImage.png)

>Soyboys being unattractive is literally a /pol/chud meme not confirmed by women, ist just chuds way to cope with not being able to grow a beard like men.


Shes right.


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>Shes right.


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New Gosling Kino 'bout to drop

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what kinda films do guys like this watch?


Son of the Mask


gemmer spotted


File: 1643773287689.gif (247.89 KB, 400x470, 4383 - animated gif glasse….gif)

Melancholie der Engel


Conan the barbarian


Marlon Brando's Julius Caesar on repeat

File: 1643331895701.jpeg (29.26 KB, 336x217, Daughter of the M-ACK.jpeg)


>you’re just too good to be-ACK


why is this guy so gemmy bros? he's saving the sharty


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File: 1643664908487-1.png (3.25 MB, 1260x1732, Skeleton of the Mask.png)

Because I watch son of the mask and I want you to uplod my posts to know your meme


You have been trying to force this meme for 2 years now. Give up, its not funny.

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