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/tv/ - Television & Film

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This board is shit, it lacks television and film and kino and movies and flicks



formerly dead




Not anymore cubby


Yooo you just bumped my 21 day old thread


i mean you >>1257 this guy →>>1257←


this one >>1257 right there and i am >>1258 and also >>1259 if you couldn't tell


but of course i am not >>1257 i am just >>1258 and >>1259 and >>1260 and >>1261


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Mother (fucker)


POSTAL Movie was okay. Some jokes were just ehh, but the part in the amusement park is awesome.






Capeshitters btfo


Shut up, weeb. Also, I don't really like capeshit.


Why wasn’t Wonder Woman 1984 filmed with Kodachrome 64 and had no 80s pop?


Idk. Also, the actress got cancelled over her wish for the conflict between Israel and Palestine to stop.


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Wasnt talking to you retard


Absolute Uwe gem


This board is shit, it lacks television and film and kino and movies and flicks, which all board tend to suck after xbox Live, PSN and Playstation Network. There are other great boards for that, for instance Gametrekker and The Legend of Genji.

It also has 10MB upload capacity, which is great for a newcomer, who would like to play MGS 4 (and almost all the other games with Online mode).

The only minus is the slow speed of downloading (I play a 720p x264 AVI stream over liveplay and it takes maybe 4-5 minutes, for me at least, to download a 25 minute video file).

==Here's a big minus.

When you upload, you're assigned a download speed limit.


I'm at 2.2KB/s download speed, as I'm lucky enough to have both ADSL & Cable at 2.2 mbit/s. I've been told I'm 'fairly lucky to have that connection'

Usually, I'm assigned to one of the 'xbox' upload limits.


m eds


This was taped in 1984 and was the first full-length set from the Dixie Dregs (excepting one full-length studio album called Under the Influence of Vinyl, as well as "Confessions of a Male Imbecile", which was later featured on their one-off 1995 Dregs (aka Dregs & Dikes) collection)


The director, he is a sexy. Let me count the ways... he has a chiseled physique, he is really smart and and he is really cool. He is easy to talk to, he loves his fans, and he loves a pussy! He puts lots of action explosions in his movies, and unlike say Michael "flaccid penis" Bay he makes movies with a message and political spectrum.




So true


Recommend me something Chud


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old coal up


old coal go up

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