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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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>can you faggots PLEASE stop soydueling on the catty

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Gee soot, TWO mask boards?


Underwater, Bond forces Kananga to swallow the gas pallet after pulling the pin out, causing Kananga to inflate enormously like a giant balloon and rapidly rise to the cave's ceiling before exploding into pieces, in which Bond would quip that Kananga "always did have an inflated opinion of himself".

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Superman website

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Why is literally every """horror""" movie they produce so incredibly soy? Take this movie I just watched for instance after I saw it shilled on /tv/. There is no horror to it, it's not even a "slowburn" so much as it is just unsettling because the main character is so obviously schizophrenic. Only 1 (one) paranormal/jumpscare moment and even then its about le religion vs. atheism existential crisis. Does A24 willingly decide to fund only soy artfag films?


The only scary A24 movie is Tusk



this is like a cp link if i remember correctly soot do something

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holy gem


Sneedo feedo und seedo cado

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Sonic 2 had better endcredit teaser then any Marvel movie on the past 10 years.
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yesterday on 4/v/ someone suggested that and like 15 minutes later he died




>jim carrey not acting anymore
>tfw we will never get a pingas reference in sonic 3

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Are you going to see Minions: Rise of Gru?
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>minions are a soulless marketing ploy. I FUCKING HATE MINIONS


I forgot they were making that


how could you forget? yikes. fake minions fans much?


uhm, god doesn't exist sweaty. read a book.


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I'm thinking about buying a few they seem like a smart investment

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i still don't get this part, Bond forces Kananga to swallow a compressed gas pellet and causes him to bob around with a funny facial expression before he grabs his stomach and the as soon as he floats out the water he's fully inflated to the size of barrage balloon, he makes a farty balloon noise before he hits a red metal beam on the ceiling and his entire body explodes like a balloon, no bones, no guts, no blood, only viscus and air. how could a tiny little shark gun pellet cause a human to inflate so big and then cause their entire insides to disappear. The fact he floats out like he's featherweight, if the scene was more realistic, he should of chocked on the gas and died and bobbed underwater, or his stomach could inflate before rupturing his organs and blood bouring out, him blowing up like a human balloon and explode is a still a mystery to me...

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MarcosPower1996 a.k.a Mega-Shonen-One-64 coal.

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F*m*les get their opportunity to direct a children's movie and immediately make it about the dead egg residue that comes out of their vaginas. Why are they like this?
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>Why are they like this?





>Vah jay jays are icky


grubhub cunny

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