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/tv/ - Television & Film

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

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Who is slowly deleting all white males from television and film?


mods please delete this antisemitic thread

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how would you explain your MOM


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discord dust




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its a pretty decent show but idk it seems kinda gay sometimes especially when they show all the boobs and dicks


show for girls from urban cities that go to school with predominantly blacks and mexicans


Nigger on the cover won't watch


>mutt is a lying drug addict
>tranny is a man in a dress
>main black character gets buck broken
>nice guy incel is hated
>fat girl being empowered leaves her more empty than before
>all the women are narcissistic BPD whores
>the white jock is a high IQ 6'5 chad sex machine who gets away with all his keikakus
Explain to me again why this show is bad?


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IDK Euphoria is gay


Globohomo: the show

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i liked this scene


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oh mah fauci look it's doctor strang


We’re it not for this scene and the Shimigoroth scene movie would be unwatchable. Great scene.

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N1GG3R_7HR047_2L42H3R appreciation thread
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ik your skype girlfriend, your welcome




he posts so many gems on /tv/ bros I love him so much.


He posts a lot of troonjaks, but he also posts pedo shit + namefag therefore coal.


He cute

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>people say they hate show Master Chief
>Show kills him off and has Cortona playing him like a video game character


i'm glad i don't watch trash like this
it seems like all shows now are just supposed to make their viewers mad.


Sure seems that way!

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>the book is here than the movie
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I'm pretty sure you meant to say the book is better than the movie




it is though


usually not if it's a good movie.


only cohen brothers movies are better than the books

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Is Scottsiess kino?


She’s right

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What comedians do you like? Currently a fan of Louis CK and Shane Gillis.
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i stopped listening to matt and shane a couple of years ago but i always thought matt was way funnier even though he's not really a comic even though he kind of was


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i can't find the video where louis is on stage and it's dubbed to make him say "little white dicks" and the crowd is booing him. then he says "big black cocks" and the crowd is happy.


That's because it never existed, meds


i think it was called "get out of town louis" or something

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Spinoff also welcomed
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I like Krowa and you can't stop me


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>I like Krowa and you can't stop me


>ywn spend 25 years in a prison cell with Krowa


There are no Jidfags after the 3rd episode. Wasaczkeks still seething though


Where can i watch episodes 2 and 3? They're not on Youtube

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