Million Dollar Extreme (MDE) is an American sketch comedy troupe. The members are Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, and Charls Carroll. The group remains largely inactive since the cancellation of their show World Peace in 2016. They are known for their online videos, anti-comedy, and public pranks mainly uploaded on their several related YouTube channels.
Sam now makes videos with a circle of fans (one being a transvestite) that range from horrible to decent. He has a history of sexually abusing underage fans and currently has two girlfriends that he has pregnant. Sam has put himself in a box where he can only make videos for Nick Fuentes fans and underage magafags. He also likes to put stuff up his ass.
Nick sells rugs and has a healthy family, with a loving wife and a daughter. Nick collabs with both Sam and Charls separately, like a child of a divorced couple with shared custody.
Charls, the most talented member of MDE, has stopped collaborating with Sam in any form after the cancellation of World Peace. There is a rumor that Sam reported Charls to the IRS when he was being busted by Feds for alleged child pornography possession. Nowadays, Charls mostly streams on twitch where he rants about esoteric paganism and philosophy. He recently married a Persian woman and has had two children with her.
Andrew Ruse, the writer and director of most MDE sketches, has largely distanced himself with Sam, but sometimes directs projects featuring Nick and Charls.
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>>3305Charls is funny but his streams suck ass
>>3312Based Sam