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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649356005353.png (7.96 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


soot ban everyone that posts a photo of estrogen
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not certain aryan-national socalist post


>ban them even doe they didnt break ant rules


File: 1649453203640.gif (1.37 MB, 442x414, 8426 - animated bloodshot_….gif)


shes right



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don't ignore us soot
bring reform

File: 1649528745236.png (24.35 KB, 452x472, 31c8cd8d329a866727796ee682….png)


soot do something about the mod team, please


File: 1649528798851.gif (603.7 KB, 298x400, brainfag cry dance poyopoy….gif)

what's the problem? elaborate.


heya sootie

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>>>/b/, >>>/soy/, >>>/qa/, >>>/r9k/, >>>/pol/, >>>/int/ and >>>/nate/ are unironically all the same board (image board with either no or a general topic on a soyjak themed website).

on crystal.cafe they're all a single board: /b/.

soot, please consolidate all of the above boards into a miscellaneous single board.

your mods literally have to force people to use boards besides >>>/soy/ by moving their posts there

no one uses these boards. quit college. fix your website ffs.
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thank you friend :)


File: 1649413475920.png (27.2 KB, 1070x800, ias7.png)

just use this image and attach another image next to it


and crystal.cafe is also dead, nice point youre making op


File: 1649432545862.png (279.6 KB, 1070x800, image (1).png)

appreciate it


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>appreciate it

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soot make /fitck/ so soyteens can discuss cooking and exercise habits so we can work towards self improvement


I like this idea. I enjoy both fitness and cooking, and would like to discuss this online with others.


do this soot


The first step to self-improvement is to stop browsing imageboards.


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>The first step to self-improvement is to stop browsing imageboards.

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Keep /r9k/, /pol/, /int/, /b/ and /qa/
Delete /x/ and /giga/
Merge /muv/ and /int/

Soot alleviate some of the board bloat by doing this


don't delete /x/ its schizo containment zone


Keep /giga/ and /x/.
Merge /muv/ and /tv/ and /qa/ with /b/


make more serious boards


People have been asking soot to keep/delete X board(s) for months, do you really think he will listen now


/x/ is like the special wing of a mental hospital which contains the extremely dangerous patients . You don’t want to shut down that wing or the rest of the hospital will go dark very quickly.

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im sorry but i was under the fucking impression that soy culture revolves around spamming incessantly like a bunch of autists so why the fuck is there a goddam 30 second cooldown on the sharty soot? seriously what is the point of it? to stifle post flow and irritate users? and you insist on using jewgle captcha like a good goy and require users to enable javascript to post in this site, whats next are you gonna start offering a sharty gold account to avoid cooldown? are you gonna start bringing in a bunch of neurotic leftists to janny the place like 4cuck did? are you gonna dissapear and never come back like hiromoot? are you just gonna ignore user complaints like the rat hiro? are you gonna delete qa all over again cause they offended trannies? where does it end soot?
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Did you even bother to read the post retard


kill yourself tranime apologist


no i didnt


Manime aryan, live to gem


live long Manime apologist

File: 1637708672055.png (118.26 KB, 800x789, science.png)


>Noooo you cant just drink 5 cups of coffee a day to keep your digestive system moving you have to let the shit stay in your body for days because its heckin healthier
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łöööööööööł şö ťŗüë ţhö




nice suggest thread shithead


least uplifting beefbattle out of future

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