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File: 1649356005353.png (7.96 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


soot ban everyone that posts a photo of estrogen


this but unironically, they are clearly some really deranged freaks posting from a discord of theirs, look at the hitler book with estrogen, this is exactly something these freaks on the goth axe wound server would do


why does every fucking retard say this but unironically on every one of my suggestions when they are always sincere


why do none of the smart people say this but ironically on none of my changes despite them never honest


absolutely judeo-bolshevik post




not certain aryan-national socalist post


>ban them even doe they didnt break ant rules


File: 1649453203640.gif (1.37 MB, 442x414, 8426 - animated bloodshot_….gif)


shes right



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