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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1650608788564.webm (874.96 KB, 640x640, video0-11.webm)


All boards are virtually identical in posts and content on this website and that's probably because they are all trying to parody 4chan.
Add a board for a specific kind of jak like with the current /giga/.
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1650736181380.png (120.76 KB, 451x377, discord sharter.png)

>All boards are virtually identical in posts and content on this website and that's probably because they are all trying to parody 4chan.
>Add a board for a specific kind of jak like with the current /giga/.


File: 1650737094545.png (38.67 KB, 999x597, Discord Tranny flag.png)

MT should really just pop his brains out


What does the nigger have to do with it tho




File: 1649878727453.png (255.13 KB, 873x941, 1649005510105.png)


add /bant/


don't add /bant/




This tho


not this

File: 1643412782955.jpg (64.3 KB, 800x400, Canadian_Red_Ensign_1957-1….jpg)


soooooooooooooooooooot replace the canadian flag on /int/ and /pol/ with this one


do this, sooty

File: 1650487187262.png (28.96 KB, 712x871, 2022-04-20-284822822037566….png)


Soot i am really displeased with your mods, they are so shit. This thread had a jak in it. its ias
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


soot stop hiring everybody that emails you


God I wish real life employers were like that


at least he should give them better instructions


Based mod dabbing on pedos


this lmao

File: 1650469544059.jpg (2.84 MB, 2074x1382, 1508875955146.jpg)


>Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer.

>This is a board for the discussion of

>meta topics
>and … other things.
>Outside of meta, this board has no specific theme and you are >free to be yourself! Please note all global rules are in-force here.


File: 1650469641863.png (343.31 KB, 791x1000, calmson.png)



its a good idea doe



File: 1650492660770.png (5.32 KB, 600x586, 1649836298578.png)


rename this board to /meta/

File: 1650297424834.png (22.81 KB, 255x225, Wise Lemonjak.png)


soot make a rule where anything that mention or implying of kuz will removed and banned so we can let kuz die away from the party naturally


this will never work


your life will never work if you never tried it


this maybe work

File: 1643052271123.png (224.21 KB, 750x900, ClipboardImage.png)


spoot make /rdrama/
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.




File: 1650291273025.png (105.96 KB, 640x550, ClipboardImage.png)

>spoot make /rdrama/


obsessed troon


File: 1650291507441.png (369.78 KB, 850x400, ClipboardImage.png)

>obsessed troon


File: 1650400904618.jpeg (27.46 KB, 561x546, 401099.jpeg)


Add robot to /soy/ to stop soyteens from repeating the same stupid phrases over and over


add an r9k robot to r9k


this would kill /soy/ and turn it into a shitty blogging platform like /r9k/

File: 1650318323679.jpg (178.89 KB, 859x806, gem(456).jpg)


add 40 more pages to /soy/




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