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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1649307897685.png (17.11 KB, 1000x800, ClipboardImage (12).png)


Keep /r9k/, /pol/, /int/, /b/ and /qa/
Delete /x/ and /giga/
Merge /muv/ and /int/

Soot alleviate some of the board bloat by doing this


don't delete /x/ its schizo containment zone


Keep /giga/ and /x/.
Merge /muv/ and /tv/ and /qa/ with /b/


make more serious boards


People have been asking soot to keep/delete X board(s) for months, do you really think he will listen now


/x/ is like the special wing of a mental hospital which contains the extremely dangerous patients . You don’t want to shut down that wing or the rest of the hospital will go dark very quickly.

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