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/suggest/ - Suggest

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File: 1649328469886.png (349.55 KB, 480x640, image (4).png)


>>>/b/, >>>/soy/, >>>/qa/, >>>/r9k/, >>>/pol/, >>>/int/ and >>>/nate/ are unironically all the same board (image board with either no or a general topic on a soyjak themed website).

on crystal.cafe they're all a single board: /b/.

soot, please consolidate all of the above boards into a miscellaneous single board.

your mods literally have to force people to use boards besides >>>/soy/ by moving their posts there

no one uses these boards. quit college. fix your website ffs.


File: 1649346608146.png (211.57 KB, 679x688, Soy467.png)

>>>>/b/, >>>/soy/, >>>/qa/, >>>/r9k/, >>>/pol/, >>>/int/ and >>>/nate/ are unironically all the same board (image board with either no or a general topic on a soyjak themed website).

>on crystal.cafe they're all a single board: /b/.

>soot, please consolidate all of the above boards into a miscellaneous single board.

>your mods literally have to force people to use boards besides >>>/soy/ by moving their posts there

>no one uses these boards. quit college. fix your website ffs.


why do you care?


dead boards bad even tho its funny seeing your thread after a year still in the 'log


File: 1649388565481.gif (1.15 MB, 200x200, 1635487432583.gif)

>>>>>>/b/, >>>/soy/, >>>/qa/, >>>/r9k/, >>>/pol/, >>>/int/ and >>>/nate/ are unironically all the same board (image board with either no or a general topic on a soyjak themed website).

>>>>on crystal.cafe they're all a single board: /b/.

>>>>soot, please consolidate all of the above boards into a miscellaneous single board.

>>>your mods literally have to force people to use boards besides >>>/soy/ by moving their posts there

>>>>no one uses these boards. quit college. fix your website ffs


jannies keep moving my posts off >>>/soy/ and then no one posts on them because everyone only posts on >>>/soy/


Stop posting nas on the soy board then you fucking retard


Keep posting NAS on soy boards then you fucking high IQ genius


thank you friend :)


File: 1649413475920.png (27.2 KB, 1070x800, ias7.png)

just use this image and attach another image next to it


and crystal.cafe is also dead, nice point youre making op


File: 1649432545862.png (279.6 KB, 1070x800, image (1).png)

appreciate it


File: 1649490037856.png (1.17 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

>appreciate it

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