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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1648047970442.png (388.34 KB, 600x800, 1645998343359.png)


let us report threads from the overboard


soot do this

File: 1647964624852.jpg (40.26 KB, 400x435, column-happyscience.png.jpg)


/hs/ - Happy Science


voting for this


I just watched that movies, how do you niggas get the same obscure intressests I get at the same time. Also you should make a thread in /x/ or /a/ if you actually want to tak about it.

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/cap/ - Capitalism


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/tho/ - Though


What cup size


that's a man

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/nut/ - Nuts

File: 1646345735056.gif (27.16 KB, 370x300, question.gif)


how do i disable gif autoplay on the sharty?
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




why would you not want autoplay

It shouldn't be changed the board experience should be the same for all otherwise shared-vision soul-link between poasters will be severed.


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a lot of the gifs that get posted here are scary, aggressive and transphobic, i dont want to see them anymore


you can probably achieve this using stylus browser extension and writing a custom style


shoot all tripfags on sight. shoot all avatar fags on sight. shoot all normalniggers on sight. shoot all attention whores on sight.

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soot make /hetsoy/ where only verified heterosexual cis jakkers can post


>only verified heterosexual
How can we verify that though?


soot will scan your entire post history and see if you’ve ever pretending to be a tranny or something

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/n/ - Nostalgia

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soot make /bor/ - Boring, for uninteresting things

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make a /his/ board please
for interesting discussion on history and its consequences


Soot do this


history and its consequences?


have been a disaster for the human race

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