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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652466363788.jpg (507.21 KB, 1440x1184, Screenshot_20220513-112406….jpg)


So, soot...
17 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


might as well delete the thread honestly
Type sage into the email field




It isn't working, just bumped this shit again


is this guy the same retard who CP'ed bomb partychan and neinchan when the spam wave hit lots of chans were targeted in just one day (kek herdchan is dead i forgot to archive oops)


File: 1652679850620.gif (33.15 KB, 463x489, 1650799397070.gif)




soot do this but only for OP

File: 1652668751068.png (15.44 KB, 663x541, 2.png)


>Verifying that you are not a robot...
fuck you kike nigger soot


nigger dust


new gem



File: 1652656383640.png (170.13 KB, 800x600, i hate NIGGERS (stolen fil….png)


get your FUCKING shit together and fix this website soot


don't know why he doesn't just take it down one day for maintenance



File: 1652668856672.png (15.44 KB, 663x541, 2.png)


>Verifying that you are not a robot...
fuck you kike nigger soot

File: 1652653296046.png (135.44 KB, 541x671, angery 2.png)






get your head impaled on a stick soot you monkey abortion nigger

File: 1652645140637.jpg (110.89 KB, 500x500, fragezeichen.jpg)


Is there an archive for the 'arty?


no, some private archives may possibly exist but due to the 'p spam there will never be a public archive


Kuz wanted to do something like this but never delivered so thats that

File: 1652648136660.gif (1.32 MB, 255x249, 1652628353852.gif)


Filter frenschan


Gemmy glitch and yes agreed

File: 1652531721463.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, self insert me soyjak thum….png)


make a discord server that notifies us when the sharty comes back up
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


he's very wrong however


File: 1652586108146.jpg (165.81 KB, 1460x828, 1635624746345.jpg)

>10788 - bloodshot_eyes fat glove hair hairy hanging lgbt noose open_mouth pink_hair suicide tongue tranny
>10662 - blood death flag glasses gun i_love purple_hair shooting soyjak stubble suicide text tranny variant_gapejak_front.png



no arrow therefore....


File: 1652586381456.png (80.39 KB, 1500x1500, 1635209517930.png)

>File (hide): 1652531721463.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, self insert me soyjak thumbs up.png)
>Chud 15 hours ago No.15407
>make a discord server that notifies us when the sharty comes back up

File: 1652567758153.gif (1.98 MB, 428x300, 8102 - angry animated bloo….gif)


soot what the fuck did you do to video and gif thumbnails
gif thumbnails look like utter shit even though this dosen't happen on 4cuck and mp4 thumbnails no longer now


>thumbnail issues will be fixed shortly, sorry for the issues


its oldjak.party soul

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