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/soy/ - Soyjak

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655147864880.png (3.02 KB, 345x75, GEM GEM GEM.png)


holy ias


>the captcha thinks you're soy


File: 1655148466499.png (56.87 KB, 390x380, ClipboardImage.png)


No captcha ever said this however. Meds.


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captcha win thread


If there is 10 numbers and 26 letters there is 1/36^3 = 1/46656 probability that your favorite sequence will be displayed.

If you repeat clicking on a captcha long enough you will find one of your favorite sequences. If there are n funny 3-word numbers chances that you will roll one of them is:
1-(1-1/46656)^n. So if there are 40 funny sequences (remember soy can be written as s0y, 5oy, 50y) then after 2000 captcha generations chances that you'll roll something is ~88%.


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>If there is 10 numbers and 26 letters there is 1/36^3 = 1/46656 probability that your favorite sequence will be displayed.
>If you repeat clicking on a captcha long enough you will find one of your favorite sequences. If there are n funny 3-word numbers chances that you will roll one of them is:
>1-(1-1/46656)^n. So if there are 40 funny sequences (remember soy can be written as s0y, 5oy, 50y) then after 2000 captcha generations chances that you'll roll something is ~88%.


I got another 'dea. You can estimate how many of all 3-letter-number sequences have some meaning for you. I rolled cmp (cpp function), joz, ku7 and 5 more sequences in ~50 rolls.


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Nigger weed get

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