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File: 1655178441186.gif (453.88 KB, 384x400, 1205 - animated antenna ar….gif)


I have a doubt about existence of anal orgasm . I tried putting 2 fingers down there , I got a feeling of shiting and a relief which every person fells while dumping a big load .

It was just as expected and felt like fingers in my butt.

Can I really have an orgasm using but or it is same as the existence of god ( people force their mind to hallucinate the existence of an entity which does not even exist ) means - are anal orgasm fake as the existence of god and a concept of broscience ?


File: 1655178860051.png (533.65 KB, 1377x837, 4605 - antenna atheism blo….png)

>people force their mind to hallucinate the existence of an entity which does not even ex-ACK!

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