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/soy/ - Soyjak

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1655205738738-0.png (592.83 KB, 788x941, 1649937958773.png)

File: 1655205738738-1.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1392x1408, 1655072087860-1.jpeg)


Chief on that smelly pungent nigger weed




coal kys


gem live


Gem because it depicts weed addicts as soy


they dont sell nigger weed here though so that infographic is wrong


File: 1655208751651.png (121.72 KB, 625x722, 1649934678012.png)

>they dont sell nigger weed here though so that infographic is wrong


nice way to cope


>he doesn’t know


ok i buy soem then ship me some nigger


soot make soviet.party



Post your address







>>674510 (Me)
>>674501 (Me)

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