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File: 1643269275608.webm (4.8 MB, 1280x720, LiterallyMe.webm)


Ryan Gosling watches movies and is like "That's literally me"

>So the first time I saw First Blood I was in the first grade and the next day I filled my Fisher Price beanie kid(?) up with steak knives and I took it to school and threw them at the kids at recess. And I got suspended and my mother said I couldn't watch movies anymore.


God he's so hot


he isn't he literally look like a soyboy wojak


'jak him


Soyboys being unattractive is literally a /pol/chud meme not confirmed by women, ist just chuds way to cope with not being able to grow a beard like men.


File: 1643749848229.png (288.78 KB, 636x852, ClipboardImage.png)

>Soyboys being unattractive is literally a /pol/chud meme not confirmed by women, ist just chuds way to cope with not being able to grow a beard like men.


Shes right.


File: 1643750124399.png (897.11 KB, 1116x1100, ClipboardImage.png)

>Shes right.


File: 1643910302951.jpeg (104.14 KB, 1732x766, FKrj5OFVEAMyFRU.jpeg)

New Gosling Kino 'bout to drop

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