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/suggest/ - Suggest

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1652531721463.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, self insert me soyjak thum….png)


make a discord server that notifies us when the sharty comes back up


File: 1652531806026.png (508.19 KB, 950x1019, 10788 - bloodshot_eyes fat….png)


He's right though


File: 1652532069319.jpg (89.99 KB, 722x689, 10662 - blood death flag g….jpg)


he's very wrong however


File: 1652586108146.jpg (165.81 KB, 1460x828, 1635624746345.jpg)

>10788 - bloodshot_eyes fat glove hair hairy hanging lgbt noose open_mouth pink_hair suicide tongue tranny
>10662 - blood death flag glasses gun i_love purple_hair shooting soyjak stubble suicide text tranny variant_gapejak_front.png



no arrow therefore....


File: 1652586381456.png (80.39 KB, 1500x1500, 1635209517930.png)

>File (hide): 1652531721463.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, self insert me soyjak thumbs up.png)
>Chud 15 hours ago No.15407
>make a discord server that notifies us when the sharty comes back up

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