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/suggest/ - Suggest

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So, soot...


making a lolcow thread on you rn


>/bant/ tranny
go back


for how much?
also soot needs to disable the remote feature


nah stfu cracker you ain't buying this site 😂😂😂


>also soot needs to disable the remote feature


bruh21 moment


literally who are you


some discord tranny


schizos like you is why someone should buy this site


kys /bant/oid rat


/bant/ and tripnigger dust


though you bumped it


How I can sage then.
I've been trying for a time and I simply can't do it right.


soot is a kike don't bother he loves to keep the sharty shitty and datamine us all day long


soot is a kike don't bother he loves to keep the sharty shitty and datamine us all day long





might as well delete the thread honestly
Type sage into the email field




It isn't working, just bumped this shit again


is this guy the same retard who CP'ed bomb partychan and neinchan when the spam wave hit lots of chans were targeted in just one day (kek herdchan is dead i forgot to archive oops)


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