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/suggest/ - Suggest

Password (For file deletion.)

will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646345735056.gif (27.16 KB, 370x300, question.gif)


how do i disable gif autoplay on the sharty?


File: 1646345912822.png (332.12 KB, 423x418, 1645634017630.png)


File: 1646346041137.gif (103.74 KB, 370x300, crying pacifier.gif)

why are you always so rude to me


Those aren't pronouns stupid chud


File: 1646620729320.png (172.61 KB, 1532x710, ClipboardImage.png)

Did you get banned on /g/


File: 1646621301697.png (145.58 KB, 512x512, crouched.png)

well yes actually but thats not me
i got a 14 days for posting swaglord's doxx




File: 1646895281472.jpg (3.32 KB, 125x112, 1612034469026.jpg)


File: 1646900876671.jpg (481.82 KB, 1720x2780, oversized hoodie.jpg)

i ordered mine from russia right before the war happened and didn't hear from them since, ill take them once (and if) they arrive ig
can you tell me how to disable the gif autoplay now


soot ban this nasposting discord freak


File: 1646901419739.png (885.13 KB, 1280x907, phone.png)

we're not on /soy/ and i dont use discord, THOUGH


File: 1647094640197.jpeg (84.29 KB, 1280x720, D0D5D88B-1448-42F9-9C84-7….jpeg)

>>13308 holy shit thats low resolution

now go make a high quality one


you can't


File: 1647359790407.png (39.92 KB, 236x204, excited.png)







why would you not want autoplay

It shouldn't be changed the board experience should be the same for all otherwise shared-vision soul-link between poasters will be severed.


File: 1647970914522.gif (76.79 KB, 344x278, 1647936341883.gif)

a lot of the gifs that get posted here are scary, aggressive and transphobic, i dont want to see them anymore


you can probably achieve this using stylus browser extension and writing a custom style


shoot all tripfags on sight. shoot all avatar fags on sight. shoot all normalniggers on sight. shoot all attention whores on sight.

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