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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1645391996691.png (516.52 KB, 1365x768, jackiewackerman.png)


jak her



File: 1645892437351.jpg (9.89 KB, 207x244, 1645891461743.jpg)


Can someone post the swole nojak with a bowtie




File: 1645929922371.png (89.15 KB, 1000x976, 4d036d8bbaaac9c757a9811a8a….png)


Thank you


anyone else wanna suck on those nipples (not gay)

File: 1645726907264.png (527.8 KB, 718x553, 1645726793780-0.png)


Do it
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1645750779727.jpg (83.73 KB, 1100x619, Jz6s60cR (another copy).jpg)

Less terrible crop


its a coal, his mouth isnt even open and he has no glasses like nigga not everything pointing is a jak now


Yes it is


it isn't however


in retrospect on the contrary thoughever it absolutely is actually

File: 1645832730015.jpeg (66.69 KB, 750x501, cow eating cud.jpeg)


I had a weird idea today jakkers
make a "cud chud" being chewed up by a tranny cow soyjak
the cud chud should be in the cow trannyjaks open mouth seething inside.

File: 1645738262650.jpg (187.43 KB, 796x1200, 0012316089_10.jpg)



File: 1645497973919.gif (381.65 KB, 373x400, 491.gif)


What's the website used to make these GIFs?
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


but thanks, however


File: 1645676410535.png (117.12 KB, 676x1021, heart.png)

>but thanks, however


thanks, but i don't look like that


File: 1645719314981.png (17.04 KB, 632x756, 1592521766230.png)

>thanks, but i don't look like that


File: 1645732190588.jpg (9.67 KB, 473x352, a4189197ee70a5e914a5325672….jpg)

>>thanks, but i don't look like that

File: 1645566309864.png (503.47 KB, 2165x2165, 1503449415320.png)


Can someone explain /qa/ and 'jakkin culture? Why did /qa/ get such distinct and OC produced at such high rates compared to other more significant boards?
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


its just because it became the only board we could post jaks on without getting banned immediately


only the most viral and funny 'jaks could keep afloat with the high post rate from leebait, constant duels, and other assorted schizo spam
sporadic wipes with little moderation in between simulated a real evolutionary timescale
the 'jaks with staying power were selected for as they returned after each /qa/ board wipe
and only the most tenacious and adversarial posters stayed after being constantly banned
this resulted in the most furious crucible in which the best OC was formed


meds and sproke


gummy bears and sprite



File: 1645674520464.png (582.51 KB, 590x590, ClipboardImage.png)


'jak em


Do this if you are a unpatriotic kike shitskin


Death to ameriKKKa

File: 1645702900484.jpg (127.06 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20210911_185724_685.jpg)


'jak em

File: 1644884683827.jpg (760.73 KB, 828x1226, 1644296822765.jpg)


'jak him


I remeber seeing one on 4chuck's /tv/, but it didn't have a soyface.

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