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/r/ - Requests

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will be working on implementing a different captcha solution that does not involve google. please be patient

File: 1646274531198.png (6.98 KB, 106x150, ClipboardImage.png)


someone make a soot edit of this. jak
2 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


What are those ears? is soot a bear?


File: 1646679476347-0.png (80.38 KB, 600x572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1646679476347-1.png (33.4 KB, 918x1306, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1646679476347-2.png (24 KB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

stupid fuck


I know about these, I’m just asking where he’s a bear in the first place. Also why is he green


the hell are ya talking 'bout
and i don't know why he's a bear
he just is chud


they're lumps of coal

File: 1646688493835.jpg (94.73 KB, 708x800, horrifiedjak.jpg)


can someone make an edit where this 'jak is a native american and he is in a forest looking at a canadian Cobson shooting a beaverjak

File: 1646673413543.png (32.1 KB, 184x255, 454aec6f8ff513dd2b57b00ed1….png)


does anyone have this in high res


File: 1646589173994.jpg (5.76 KB, 250x206, 1646428790179.jpg)


someone turn this into a jak

File: 1645816565876.jpg (128.42 KB, 615x617, chudine.jpg)


'jak her


Oh my Fauci, she is so attractive


File: 1646498378871.png (19.92 KB, 436x382, 1600830751280.png)

already done long ago

File: 1646421223823.gif (278.5 KB, 299x400, 1645617631679.gif)


Does anyone have the non poyopoyo version of this jakkie?


offtopic but anyone got the jannys favorite pose reaction pic i saw this on /pol/ before
the green pepe grabs the janny's yellow dog ears and drags his head to the pepe's green penis
anyone have this shit? i need it for trolling fuuck i should have saved it that time


File: 1646497232750.png (80.88 KB, 598x800, impish soyjak.png)

here you go.
fun fact: the beloved impish soyak ears.png is actually an edit of this

File: 1646490239800-0.png (610.79 KB, 518x921, F2794C72-DE02-4129-998A-83….png)

File: 1646490239800-1.png (608.87 KB, 586x536, unknown-6.png)


`jakka wakka


jonathan estis going nutso

File: 1646253308806-0.png (36.75 KB, 541x557, ff0677c70442c27c1c8cf4dccb….png)


Calling all Cobson fans. I want to add more Cobs to my collection. I’m requesting Cobson soyjaks that
1. can be used in a soyduel
2. Portray Cobson as soy, not as some masculine chad
Pic related are Cobsons I like
1 post and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Calling all Cobson fans, I hope you all get raped and die horribly


File: 1646253444406.gif (506.24 KB, 722x2295, Cobson083 gif.gif)

>Calling all Cobson fans, I hope you all get raped and die horribly


File: 1646421383182.png (99.42 KB, 415x707, 5095 - 62483ff3e9d110ec58c….png)


File: 1646423866323-0.png (16.68 KB, 38x38, 8f622e0751b26ba5503ac1202a….png)

File: 1646423866323-1.png (53.21 KB, 676x707, 32b70443fd4c8e4a516f062186….png)

File: 1646423866323-2.png (246.63 KB, 1011x792, 10dbfbe7674b838a054adba51d….png)



File: 1646439618147.jpeg (68.4 KB, 680x684, 3A10AF48-598C-4910-9917-8….jpeg)



File: 1646440421191.jpeg (119.32 KB, 680x684, 3A10AF48-598C-4910-9917-8….jpeg)

my best attempt
i know its coal


File: 1646440502291.png (927.48 KB, 920x920, plastic love soy.png)

File: 1646222837356.jpg (145.88 KB, 760x704, 1646144313762.jpg)


post troonjaks please

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